Academy and Casting

This phase takes place in physical presence and all in the Republic of San Marino for the duration of two days including Academy and Casting.
The Academy consists of a series of training sessions on specific subjects of music, entertainment in a broad sense and the best ability to study and know music such as writing, harmony, arrangement and interpretation.
It is basically a Master whose purpose is to help the Competitors in the analysis of how to perform and interpret their own pieces.
During the two days of presence, mandatory for all Competitors, they will have a Casting interview, i.e. a moment of verification and comparison with an expert in the sector who will listen and see the interpretation of the piece by the Competitor and how this arises in the its execution.
This will take place in the form of an exam, in private rooms, with the audio / video recording of what happens, with evaluation forms drawn up and signed by the examiner and which will be valid for the decision to move to the next phase, the Third or the Semifinals. .
The Competitor, at the end of his verification - evaluation exam, will be able to fill in a form in which to express his / her opinions on what happened during this moment and on the examiner.
All documentation must be available for 3 months with the Competitor having the right to lodge a complaint within 10 days of communicating the outcome.